

Kala Yoder

I'm Kala and I'm a mom, wife, redeemed child of God and someone who loves to get to know others who are on the same quest of getting in closer relationship with Jesus. Northern Indiana and Amish country is where I was born, raised and reside and I truly love it here because it's home.  We love our church friends who have become family and doing life with those God has placed close to us is what keeps us in this location. The connection you can get through a friendship centered around Christ is one that I pray everyone gets to experience in their lives. My husband and I have two kiddos whom we  love being outdoors with, playing games and weaving in biblical lessons when we can. Is our life perfect? Absolutely not!  I promise to always be authentic, sharing real life struggles and happenings that you can relate to and hopefully be inspired by. Helping you to connect and do life with Jesus as you go through everything God has planned for your life.