Confidence in Christ

Overcoming Addiction and Living in Freedom with Justin Fahrenbruch

Kala Yoder Season 5 Episode 6

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Our testimonies are important! It says right in scripture….

Revelations 12:11 “They overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony..”

Too often we don't think our stories matter or will make an impact on the lives of others. When in fact our stories are what God is using to bring others to him! When they hear of the radical transformations, the quiet personal times with the Lord or whatever our stories hold… it draws them into the amazing person of God! 

That is just what this week's guest is here to talk about! Justin Fahrenbruch is a powerful man of God who is evangelizing anywhere and everywhere he can telling others about how God saved his life. It's nothing he did on his own, it's all Jesus!! 

 It's AMAZING!! I'm so excited that I get to share it with you!! 

Key Takeaways:
- We can’t just know a lot about God, we have to know him personally

- Praising Jesus on Sunday and living in hell Monday through Saturday is not the life we are called to

- Bad choices lead to bad habits which leads to addictions

- If you’re truly searching for God, he will reveal himself to you

- God is after your WHOLE HEART not just part of it

- Go from mentally agreeing with the Bible to surrendering your life to Jesus

- Jesus is everyone’s savior but not everyone’s Lord (we won’t let him be)

- Letting garbage into your life will result in garbage coming out of you

- Continue to combat the toxic thoughts from the enemy

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Justin on FB 

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Music: Happy Clappy Ukulele by Shane Ivers & Spark Of Inspiration by Shane Ivers -

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